august market wrap.

August - Market Wrap - social.png

remote interviews drive accelerated hiring activity.

August was a difficult month for Victorians, as we saw our 200th day in lockdown come and go and collectively faced circumstances we hoped we had left behind in 2020.

Nonetheless, from an industry perspective, we have seen enormous resilience. In fact, hiring activity is remains higher than average, following normal seasonal trends, and the market is still (and increasingly) candidate short and therefore talent-driven.

The result is that, while competition is down if you are in the market, urgency is high and hiring processes are moving more quickly than ever, necessitating a streamlined and decisive approach from both talent and employers alike. Remote interviewing and onboarding is now the norm, and business who are not keeping up and engaging through technology are losing talent to their competitors.


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september market wrap.


july market wrap.