guide to getting scouted.
At scouted we believe transparency is key - that the best recruitment outcomes arise when our talent (that’s you) are informed and empowered to play an active role in securing the best career match.
New to working with a recruiter or just keen to find out more about how we operate? Read on for your guide to getting scouted.
the model recruitment process.
Meet & Greet.
Our team believes this is the most important step in the process (yes even more important than landing an offer), and we think you should too.
Why? Because it’s the point at which we collaborate to identify the best fit for you.
The goal is not just to land you a new job, but to set you up for the optimal next step in your career based on your aspirations, competencies, character, and values.
tips to get the most out of your Meet & Greet.
Come prepared to talk through your career history from start to finish.
Think about what is most important to you in your next role – Salary? Progression? Culture?
Approach the discussion with transparency – we are here to be your advocate, and we are best able to do that if we have all the information.
Consider completing our Career Profiling Questionnaire – this will be provided to you when you book in to meet us.
Based on the information you provide to us, and our own insights into the market and organisations within your sector, we will identify suitable roles; these might be:
Active roles already on our books.
Future active roles – we will keep you in the loop.
Speculative opportunities that we have hand-picked for you.
When we identify a role that we believe may be suitable for you, we will always run it by you before any submissions are made (unless you have asked us to do otherwise).
Your privacy is our top priority, and we also believe it is important you retain control and oversight over who is viewing your CV*
*If you are working with other recruiters, we highly recommend you broach this topic with them, as not all agencies work the same way.
Submissions and review.
Your scouted Consultant will build a customised Talent Profile that will convey your suitability for the role based on your:
Capabilities and strengths
Character and values
review period.
We encourage our Employer Partners to work through this process as quickly as possible and aim to get you feedback in a timely manner.
However, it’s important to understand that different organisations have their own procedures to follow at this stage and sometimes these things take time. The length of the review process is not a reflection of the strength of your application or the employer’s commitment to the role.
We know that you are eager to hear the outcome of your application and scouted will notify you as soon as the information is available to us.
This document is submitted to the employer, constituting a formal application for the role, and is accompanied by a verbal briefing so that your scouted Consultant can address any questions or concerns.
Your scouted consultant will always endeavour to supply you with feedback from the employer. Similarly, we’ll ask for your feedback too.
The goal is to help you determine goodness of fit with the organisation, and to improve you’re your performance in future interviews.
scouted will facilitate interview arrangements on your behalf, and will help you to prepare effectively in order to get the most out of the experience.
There is generally a two-stage interview process, but this may differ based on the employer’s practices and the nature of the role in question.
Reference checks and testing.
In addition to references, some employers will require you to complete testing at some stage during the recruitment process. Common tests that we see in the property and construction space include:
Psychometric testing to determine cultural fit, optimal management styles, and/or temperamental suitability
Emotional intelligence testing
Cognitive ability testing
Skills testing
Practical case studies and presentations
scouted will facilitate reference checks and any testing that may be requested by the employer.
Usually, you will need to provide two referees, and references will be conducted by a scouted consultant. Check out our post on getting the best reference for tips.
Offer and contract signing.
A verbal offer of employment is made – this will usually be mediated by scouted, but may come directly from the employer.
On acceptance of the offer, a written letter of offer and/or contract of employment will be prepared.
Generally, we ask that you have this reviewed and signed within 24 hours to secure the role.
Onboarding and after-service.
After you have secured your new role, we will continue to work with you to ensure the smoothest transition possible.
Prior to commencement, we will make sure you have everything you need to get set up.
Once you get started, we will check in on you in your first week and then ongoing in your first 3-6 months. This serves two purposes:
Firstly, we love to hear about your experiences with the employer. We love good news stories, and it also informs us when considering goodness of fit for future candidates.
Secondly, we want to be a resource for you. We have worked with hundreds of individuals starting out in new roles and can help you with any questions or concerns you might not feel comfortable directing to your new manager.
important things to consider before you speak to a recruiter.
We can’t reinforce enough just how valuable it is to have a really solid insight into your own expectations, values, and aspirations prior to entering a recruitment process, and similarly, how important it is to communicate these things to us.
things to consider.
Your salary and benefit expectations.
Have you disclosed everything that may be pertinent? – right to work/visa status, upcoming holidays, study commitments, notice periods, etc.
Have you considered what you would do in the event you received a counteroffer from your current employer?
Have you considered how you will preference different opportunities that are presented to you? What would you do in the event you received concurrent offers?
what can happen if you leave these decisions to the last minute or conceal them during the early stages of your search?
You miss the opportunity to research and ask relevant questions.
You feel rushed, confused, and unsure when presented with an offer.
You leave a negative impression on the employer (and their network – this is a small world), which can impact your access to employment opportunities in the future.